Along Central and Unser, a once desolate part of town is now bustling with activity. The presence of the food truck park has breathed new life into an area that was previously filled with empty fields. It offers a haven for families and friends to come together and enjoy the various food options available. As Joe Lujan, the owner of Nuevo Atrisco Food Truck Park, mentioned, "I love food trucks; it's really nice when they set up a table on the side for you to eat there, but most of the time it's grab and go, you eat it in your car or wherever." This convenience has made it a popular spot for locals to gather and socialize.
Not only does the food truck park provide a great dining experience, but it also features a taproom built out of a shipping container. As Lujan explained, "There's some wine, some bottled beers to go with drafts, and then we're also going to have not a full bar but small batch margaritas and stuff like that." This adds to the charm and variety of the place, making it a one-of-a-kind destination.
Yes Housing, Inc. joined forces with the City of Albuquerque in 2018 to initiate this project. Phase One saw the construction of more than 70 affordable housing units, providing much-needed housing for the community. As Chris Baca, the president of Yes Housing, Inc., stated, "We needed the rooftops to make this site economically viable." This initiative not only addresses the housing needs of the area but also sets the stage for future economic growth.
Baca emphasizes that this is just the beginning. "Not only are we building affordable housing; we're also building economic opportunity and activity, and enticement for others to move in," he said. The presence of the food truck park and the affordable housing units is expected to attract more people to the area, leading to increased business and economic development.
The food truck park is set to hold its grand opening next Tuesday afternoon at 4 p.m. and will be open every day from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. On Fridays and Saturdays, it will stay open until 9 p.m., providing ample time for locals and visitors to enjoy the offerings. This extended operating hours ensure that people can visit at their convenience and make the most of the experience.
With its unique combination of food, drinks, and affordable housing, the food truck park in Albuquerque's west corridor is truly a place to be. It is a testament to the power of community and the positive impact that can be achieved through collaborative efforts.