For example, on a typical day, the drivers follow specific routes that cover different areas. Five routes wind through Lewiston and the Orchards, while another two cover downtown Clarkston and the Heights. This ensures that no one is left without a meal.
The sense of urgency is palpable as they drive from one house to another, with a Meals on Wheels flag whipping in the wind. It's a race against time to make sure that every client is fed.
Over the years, Andrews has gotten to know many of her clients. She remembers when the heat was off last year and they knocked on every door to check on their folks. And when a fire recently broke out on 13th Street, she was quick to act, worried about her two clients who are in wheelchairs and live next door.
James Boyle, 82, and his 77-year-old wife, Peggy, appreciate the care and concern from Andrews. They rely on the regular deliveries to their mobile home and consider Valley Meals on Wheels more than just food.
As they saw the growing need, the program expanded to Clarkston and a commercial kitchen was added to meet the demand. A coordinator was hired, and now the nonprofit organization partners with St. Joe's kitchen for the daily service.
Coordinator Margo Ericson has been at the helm for seven years. About 140 clients receive meals each day, with the cost being $4 for hot food or $5 for both warm food and a sack lunch. Close to 200 volunteers are on the list of rotating drivers, and more are always needed.
Sam Charles, a 77-year-old Lewiston Orchards retiree, adds that interacting with the clients is the best part. He has met many fascinating people on his route and enjoys hearing their life stories.
The routine has become a blessing for these volunteers, and they look forward to each day of delivering meals and making a difference in the lives of others.